Friday, October 26, 2007

spread your wings and prepare to fly

you will become my butterfly.

A lot of people hate on Mariah Carey's Butterfly album and song, but it is among my favorite albums ever! I just had to quote it for this post title.

Back to shirts. My friend and kettlebell instructor/classmate, Jessie, told me that she LOVES butterflies. So she asked me to make a butterfly shirt!

I decided to try it on a blue/periwinkle striped women's fitted t-shirt. The hardest thing was deciding how many butterflies to paint. Should I do a lot of small ones or one or two big ones. I opted with five small ones in a cluster.

The next hardest thing was choosing a color. My first pick was white, but it is very difficult to get white to show up. The only way I have been able to do that is by first spraying another color, wait for that to dry, and then go over in white. Unfortunately, I think it is impossible to get a clean image this way. Anyway, I tried white, but it didn't show at all, so I went to my back-up: pink. In hindsight, I think yellow would have been a better choice, but I don't have yellow.
My female model, Sam, couldn't model it for me last night, and my craigslist ad didn't attract any aspiring models who wanted to be paid in shirts. So here it is, in all of it's un-ironed glory!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! I'll take one please. And hopefully you can invest the proceeds from my purchase into getting yourself some yellow paint and I'll buy one of those as well :)

I'm happy I helped inspire your design - it's a beauty, as is its designer!


Charlie - hope & spray said...

I am thrilled that you love it!! I just listed it on etsy for you, at a special price.